RPT – Rapid and Prototype Tooling


USD $2,810.00

Creating low-cost and low-production rates for even ‘one-off’ tooling fixtures for composite part fabrication, requires a very specific level of knowledge & skills. Avoiding the pitfalls of expensive experimentation, trials & errors, and proper material selection is critical. For the Hobbyist or the professional composites Technician, the RPT course will help you get your project started in the best way with quality tooling!


This course provides an exceptional overview of the essential knowledge of the materials, techniques, and processes involved in the rapid fabrication of composite moulds. Classroom theory is supported by hands-on projects involving Fast-Cast Urethanes and epoxy-based rapid tooling compounds.  Included in this training will be an introduction to state-of-the-art reusable moulding equipment.

Topics covered in this 5-day course include:

  • Trends and recent developments in composite pattern and mould fabrication methods (this includes CNC milling of Master tooling)
  • The essential theory, behind the design & applications of RPT tooling
  • Designing of a composite pattern and fabrication of a ‘split mould’ for complex shapes
  • Detection & prevention of flaws and damage in composite mould fabrication
  • Health & Safety; material handling, safety practices in the composite shop
  • Mould surfacing and repair techniques & procedures, and Quality Assurance

Prerequisites: Prior composites experience or training is not required.


FAA – Federal Aviation Administration acceptable towards Inspection Authorization (IA) Renewal Training.

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March 2025
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