Course Information and Registration

Learn more about our vast selection of world renowned courses

Choosing the right courses to meet your training goals

Introductory Level

Not your ‘basic entry-level’ training, these courses provide an exceptional in-depth overview of composite materials and processes.

The #1 comment we hear from our graduates
– “I had no idea how much I didn’t know!”

    Intermediate Level

    Recommended for those looking to expand their knowledge and skills into advanced composite structures, fabrication and processing.

    Prior Introductory Level training, or equivalent experience, is strongly recommended.

    Advanced Level

    Designed for the advanced Technician or Engineer who is looking to refine their skills in all facets of composite materials technologies and processes.

    Prior Intermediate Level training, or equivalent experience, is required.

    Introductory Courses – No Prerequisites Necessary

    Module 1 – Composite Materials, Fabrication and Damage Repair

    The essential knowledge of composite materials and the processes for fabrication & repair.

    WTBR – Wind Turbine Blade Repair

    Composite turbine blade inspection and repair methods for Technicians & Engineers.

    MCGR – Marine Composites & Gelcoat Repair

    Marine vessel composite materials, inspection, repair methods & Gelcoat colour matching.

    Integrated 4C Program – Composites & Tooling Design

    Combined instruction on composite CAD design, CAM modeling, CNC machining and molding.

    RPT – Rapid & Prototype Tooling

    Fast fabrication of composite molds & tools; exploring materials, techniques, and processes.

    ICT – Introduction to Composite Technologies

    Exceptional overview of the theory behind advanced composite materials & technologies.
    Intermediate Courses – Prior Training Recommended

    Module 2 – Advanced Composite Structures, Damage Evaluation and Repair

    Complex repairs, utilizing advanced ‘Pre-Preg’ materials & Hot Bonding techniques.

    RIP – Resin Infusion Processing

    Materials, equipment requirements, theory, and design of Resin Infusion for all applications.

    RBMS Hybrid

    Concentrated training on metal bonding, combining the principles from RBMS.

    ACE Program – Accelerated Composites Essentials

    Combination of the subject matter instructed in our Modules 1, 2 & 3, RBMS, RIP, RPT courses

    Advanced Courses – Prior Training Required

    Module 3 – Advanced Structural Repair Methods

    Principles and practices for the repair of composite aircraft, beyond the limitations of the SRM.

    NDI/NDT For Composites Structures

    Exceptional overview on non-destructive inspection methods & technologies

    CRED – Composite Repair Engineering Design

    Repairs beyond specification; fatigue life; damage tolerance analysis.

    Specialized Application Courses

    These courses are provided on-site at customer locations and are scheduled by request only. Please Contact Us for more information.

    Autoclave Operations

    Autoclave operations and processing methods for advanced composites structures.

    Composite Fabricator Program – Manufacturing and Assembly of Advanced Composites (MAAC)

    Training specific to the assembly process specifications for composite manufacturing.

    Custom Course Development

    Available for clients looking to provide tailored training to their team’s unique needs. Visit our Workforce Training page for more information. (Customised training is not available for individuals)

    Still not sure where to begin?

    For the most relevant information, choose from below

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