• Our 5-day courses focus entirely on the theory and hands-on application of composite materials, processes, and technologies. In just 1 ACT course, you will learn more about working with composite materials than is typically covered in a year-long collegiate Structures Program and you will gain hours of hands-on experience each day.
  • Each of our courses are a fraction of the price of just 1 semester at a college or trade school and we offer a payment-plan option for first-time clients. See our Training Initiative Program ‘TIP’ page for  more details.
  • Our clients often have interviews lined up before they leave the course. (In just 5 days!)
    No, really- it’s true! We hold a 100% employment rate for our training graduates for over 25 years as a training provider, and have employers actively seeking to hire our graduates right now!
    Visit our Careers page to see who’s hiring our graduates or Contact Us for more details.
  • Our courses are acceptable toward AI Refresher Training, as accepted by the Federal Aviation Administration, which will be shown on your Certificate of Training. This lets employers (worldwide) know that you have received an exceptionally high standard of training.
  • Smaller class sizes. We have a maximum class size of 12 participants per course in order to give you the attention you deserve. This also allows you to make great industry connections with colleagues and potential employers in your desired field of work!